Posts tagged “Carlos Detres Photography

The Secret to Getting a Vintage Look…

Want to know the secret for getting that vintage look in-camera without Photoshop? Switch lenses often and let your mirror get drrrty.Carlos_Detres_Photo_130222_Carlos_ Detres_Photo130222-DSC_1538


A Casual Rain Storm in Union Square

A Casual Rain Storm in Union Square


Wicked Necklace



Eyes on Legs

Eyes on Legs

Union Square, Manhattan

A Blanket of Greens

The chiseled features of upstate New York with the muddy brown of the mountain top lake.

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At the edge of the South Street Seaport (Pier 15)

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Desperately Looking for Inspiration From Lensbaby

This has been a great year in my career. I’ve been able to survive in New York solely on photography and have collaborated with a lot of people to give life to a vision. I’m totally grateful for all of this but have found myself lacking inspiration these last few weeks.

Yesterday, I went to Brotherhood Winery in Washingtonville, New York and brought my camera along for the ride. I hadn’t used my Lensbaby Composer Pro kit in a long time so I figured that I’d bring it and allow fun to seep into photography again (it’s easy to get burned out after a while). I purchased a tour at the winery. We went down into the cellars and the inspiration came at me with the damp, dank smell of this underground chamber. I reached into my camera bag, allowed certain feelings to come through and went nuts. I feel that this experience was all I needed to jumpstart inspiration so here I am, feeling as if I’ve returned from a long sleep.

Brotherhood Winery
Washingtonville, NY
July 21, 2013

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American Exceptionalism Part 2

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A Selfie at the Haunted Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana

I’ve written a few times before my love of haunted places. Although I rarely have an experience, there’s usually a different feeling about a place once inside. I’ve stayed at the notoriously and supposedly haunted Myrtles a couple of times. The first time I had a minor experience — one hardly worth mentioning. The second time was even less mentionable, however the difference in the feeling of the rooms of where I was staying and the ones from another side of the house were noticeable and defined by a heavy feeling in the air. The next morning, after speaking with the people who had stayed in that part of the house, we learned that they didn’t experience anything unusual. My friends and I slept like babies. Either way, it was a fun trip marked by late night drinking, louder than loud bullfrogs and cicada and a foot dip in the fountain.

Myrtles Plantation
St. Francisville, LA
June 26, 2013

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Elana Katz’s Performance at Lumen

I was totally floored by this beautiful piece performed by performance artist Elana Katz. The photos and performance from this shoot will go on to inspire the fashion design team behind Emporio dei Giovani.

Staten Island, NY
June 15, 2013

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Photo shoot with Elana Katz

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A pineapple burst

I loved the way the leaves of this pineapple looked as if they were bursting so I took a picture of it.

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Meanwhile at the Gramercy Park Hotel

I worked with Olga Sorokina of IRFE, Paris for 4 days back in April. Together we created a lot of fun photographs. This shoot was a meeting of the minds since both of us shared a lot of the same creative ideas.

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A conservative theatre producer living in a liberal world

The editors of Narratively emailed me the first draft of David Marcus’ article about being a conservative theatre producer. Being a liberal who enjoys discussing politics, I was excited to photograph him. Needless to say, I learned a lot. The shoot occurred over the course of two days. David and I got to know each other. I had a great time, I learned a couple of things and I truly enjoyed getting to know this intelligent, witty and creative artist.

The article was just published. Here’s an excerpt with a link:

David Marcus

David Marcus at St. Marks Church.

























I was checking the Phillies score on my phone when Eliel, the night manager at the Bowery Poetry Club, popped out and found me in my usual pre-show pace and smoke routine. “You know who I like?” he said. “Condoleezza Rice, thatʼs who you guys should have gone with.”

Eliel means it. Heʼs told me many times that he admires Rice and thinks she would be a good President. But Elielʼs point goes beyond the horserace or even the merits of political views. In a very real way, he was saying: “Youʼre a conservative, that’s cool, letʼs talk.”


Meanwhile, deep in the heart of Manhattan

Hair whips and wine kicks.

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Head, body, feet at Carrera Ignition

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A photo of NYC’s new middle finger as seen from the James Hotel

Last night, I went to photographer, Ben Watts’ WattsUp wine party at Jimmy (the rooftop of the James Hotel). Besides being treated to free wine, cool people and an astounding view of Lower Manhattan, I couldn’t help to notice this huge middle finger sticking up from the bedrock of New York City. I think I’m in love with all 1776 feet of this building. You will never catch up working or going up there but it sure is pretty to look at and it goes well with wine, revelers and stormy clouds.

New York City
June 11, 2013


Photographers: Why you should stick to your guns

I remember struggling with personal style vs job viability when my career in photography began so I wanted to share the following:

Every photographer inherently develops his or her style from practice, study and personal vision. When we join this ultra competitive workforce (I live in NYC, which is crazy competitive), some of us find it difficult to compromise how we photograph for clients and the kind of work we can get if we conform a tad. A couple of things I’ve learned about this approach:

  1. It’s already competitive. You may as well stick to the style you do best and work at it until you get the clients who best suit you. Your style is what makes your work special. A client who understands and appreciates your vision will stick with you for a long time.
  2. There’s nothing worse than doing a job you can’t identify with and deliver a product that looks lackluster. We’re artists first and business folk second — neither of these should be neglected. If you’re not feeling a gig and your photos come out meh then you’re probably not working on the right project. You should save your time and their money. Can you imagine Henri Cartier Bresson as a wedding photographer? All projects aren’t for all photographers so aim yourself toward the shoots you want to do. You’ll feel better about yourself.

I was just thinking this morning that I would have loved this info when I first started. I’m glad to have  learned this lesson as I have been able to work on projects that are more satisfying than the ones I did in the beginning of my career.

Summary: Work hard on the projects you would love to do and every one will be happy.

I don’t usually have advice to share but what the hell. If you’d like to see more of my work, just head over to this LINK.

Watcha think? I’d genuinely love to hear everyone’s experience with this.

This project for Olga Sorokina of IRFE, Paris was such a perfect fit for my style that it felt effortless, stimulating and creative. We have developed a working relationship and continue to stay in touch from either side of the Ocean.

This project for Olga Sorokina of IRFE, Paris was such a perfect fit for my style that it felt effortless, stimulating and creative. We have developed a working relationship and continue to stay in touch from either side of the Ocean.

This consumed my life for nearly 72 hours straight

My new portfolio.

Only 31 photos to keep it short, sweet and expresses a full range of event, portraiture and fashion photography.

I’m New York City based. If anyone needs an event photographed in a unique and bold style, please feel free to review the new portfolio to see if I’m the right fit for you. If I am, contact me! I’m still booking for the summer.

Click this LINK to go there.

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Dead Fish Down

Dead Fish Down

Black and white photo of an ancient fish inside a faux aquarium at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History.

Event Photography to Tell a Story (Sorry, posed group shot slammers)

My photography business offers documentary event photography curtailed for modern marketing and content sharing. I like to tell stories about the events that organizers work so hard to make.

Jada Coles
Miami, FL
May 17, 2013

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Model at Gramercy Park Hotel

We had finished shooting for the day and went back to the hotel to cool down and have a drink. She and her assistant had a soda and I a mojito. While we relaxed and enjoyed our beverages, I made this portrait of her. Olga Sorokina is easily one of the most talented models I’ve worked with and I hope we get to work together again.

Gramercy Park Hotel
New York City
April 9, 2013

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Cigarette on Leopard Print

This was taken at a newish spot in Brooklyn called Bossa Nova — easily one of my new favorite places in New York. The venue permeated with a cool, relaxed vibe and the house and techno was mixed by top quality DJs. It’s hard to find a place like this in New York since Manhattan’s real estate has made it nearly impossible for a place like this to flourish but, as usual, Brooklyn tops Manhattan (and this is coming from a guy who lives in Astoria, Queens).

Bossa Nova Civic Club
Brooklyn, NY
March 31, 2013Carlos_ Detres_Photo130331-DSC_3856

Street Fashion Shoot at the Flat Iron District

While working this shoot, a police officer stood nearby, watching the model; watching me. I thought he was going to ask for paperwork although I knew it was fine. He instead asked about the equipment I was using since he was an amateur photographer. I explained the light setup and what kind of look we were going for. He nodded and walked away.

Flat Iron District
New York City
April 8, 2013

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