September 11, 2012, Financial District, NYC

For the last 5 or 6 years, I’ve been making photos at either the area near Ground Zero or far enough away to get the full scope of the Twin Tower lights beaming into the sky. It’s been my own tribute; my way of dealing with this example of tragedy and to record the years that pass. What I’ve noticed is that the ceremonies and solemn honoring of the dead remains unchanged throughout the years. Even the feeling of walking within a vacuum of emotion still haunts the area almost as if no joy will ever enter within the parameter of the fallen buildings. September 11, 2001 began a series of events which continue its long arm of tragic decisions and deaths for thousands of people in Iraq and Afghanistan; complicating our relationship even further with the Middle East. Living in “Ground Zero” of this fulcrum of history is the closest I’ve ever been to atrocity.

The monuments and memorials don’t share the depth of loss but rather it is exhibited through the eyes of family members, fire fighters, police officers and loved ones who shared losses on 9/11 — and this is what guided my story, which I intended to be unique and respectful.

If you’re going to view this post, click on the first photo to look through the photos.

Financial District
September 11, 2012

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